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Serving Litchfield County

Answers to Common FAQs About Collaborative Divorce

We Help Make Divorce a Less Contentious Process

If you are looking to achieve a successful divorce in a respectful environment, Litchfield County Collaborative Divorce Group can help. To find out more about our services, see the questions and answers below.

Contact one of our member attorneys to discuss the details of your case.

What Is Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative divorce is a process committed to helping couples divorce and/or separate using a cooperative approach in which each party has his or her own attorney. Divorce is an extremely important decision with far-reaching implications for your lives and the lives of your children. Choosing the right process can be the most important decision that you make.

What Are Litigation, Mediation and Collaboration?

Traditionally, many people have chosen to litigate their divorces. Litigation is a process in which each party hires an attorney to fight for his or her interest in court. Litigation can be costly, lengthy and is often a devastating process for everyone, including children.

Many people choose mediation, where the parties represent themselves in their divorce and work with a neutral mediator for assistance in resolving issues and reaching agreements. Mediation does not always provide the comfort level parties need since they do not generally have their own attorneys.

Collaborative divorce has the benefit of mediation in that the parties commit to resolve their differences outside of court intervention and through a series of settlement conferences. However, each party has the benefit of his or her own attorney advocate.

Why Choose Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative divorce offers legal representation in a less threatening environment than litigation. This environment facilitates mutual goals and mutual respect and implements creative problem-solving techniques.

Collaborative divorce gives parties control over the process, which leads to satisfaction with the agreements and a higher likelihood of compliance with agreements. Improved communication between parties is particularly beneficial when minor children are involved. 

Finally, collaborative divorce is less expensive than litigation.

What’s My Lawyer’s Roll in a Collaborative Divorce?

Your trained collaborative lawyer will approach the negotiations to assist you and your family in finding meaningful resolutions to the problems that face a divorcing family. In the collaborative process, the attorneys and clients share the common goal of resolving disputes and working amicably to resolve differences.

Your lawyer’s role is to educate you about your legal rights and discuss options while implementing creative problem-solving tools in an attempt to resolve issues and meet goals. Contrary to the traditional litigation model, collaborative attorneys make realistic requests and proposals on your behalf. This approach is less stressful and creates an atmosphere of trust and cooperation which focuses on achieving mutual goals.

When children are involved, this approach will foster long-term parenting relationships. In collaborative law, the parties formally agree not to seek court intervention and this mutual agreement is evidenced by all parties signing a written contract stating this intent.
Choose a Collaborative Divorce Attorney Who Best Suits Your Needs
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